Responding and Reacting to the Figure through Visual Vocabulary
Week 1: Respond and React
Prompt 1:
Three one minute poses. Draw them on top of each other on one page, deleting/wiping away parts as you go.
Prompt 2:
Draw the figure using only shapes.
Prompt 3:
Draw the figure using only line. See how many different types of lines you can get from your charcoal - think about line thickness, the pressure with which you press the charcoal, and how you hold the charcoal.
Week 2: Collage and Color
Prompt 1:
Three one minute poses. Draw them on top of each other on one page, deleting/wiping away parts as you go.
Prompt 2: Using collage, capture the large shapes of the model’s body. Then apply color to the page.
Prompt 3:
Week 2 Homework:
Due Sunday, January 31 by 5pm to
Pick one piece of art that you have made and respond to it in another medium.
Ex: a flower arrangement, a poem.
Take a picture of the art and the response.
If the response is written, you can elect to read it out-loud. Your response can be music, food, craft, written or movement.
Look at pieces that you have been making and curate.
Week 3: Pick a Lane
Pick a lane: charcoal/pastel, collage mixed media, paint or digital, meaning focus on one medium. For tomorrow’s long pose: continue to work with volume and mass with your chosen medium.
What I mean by this is that you will draw and paint the figure using a chosen medium on a chosen substrate (paper, canvas, cardboard) for the next two sessions of the course. You can start this week by working on drawings you have already created, or starting with the surfaces of your choice: gessoed paper or canvas, paper with water-based or oil. Let me know if you have any questions and know that creating limitations makes us free. It is impossible to create in an endless sea of options.
Stretch: Take a gesture drawing and make a more complex artwork from it in paint, collage.
Homework Due: Sunday, February 7 by 5pm to